Monday, January 12, 2009

Targets of Hate in U.S. and Canada Note Suspicious Activity

Violence appears to be escalating. Be careful, America, and take these stories to heart. Americans are being targeted by terrorists on American soil.

Jewish Synagogues, Schools in the U.S. & Canada Targets of Hate

By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
11 January 2009

On January 6 2009, the Northeast Intelligence Network issued a warning to Jewish centers and synagogues in the United States and Canada to be vigilant for possible violence targeting these locations by resident Muslim extremists and pro-HAMAS supporters. In the five days following the issuance of that warning, four synagogues in greater Chicago, Illinois, including one Jewish school, two Jewish synagogues in West Knoxville, Tennessee, and a synagogue in Edmonton, Alberta Canada have been the targets of hate......

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Georgia Front Page

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